Japanese electronics company Sony announced that they will start selling their virtual reality head-mounted display product PlayStation VR in Hong Kong and Taiwan on October 13, 2016, which is also the worldwide launch day of PS VR.

The price of PS VR Hong Kong version is HKD3,180, which is about CNY2,731; while the binding price of PS VR and PS Camera is HKD3,480, which is about CNY2,988. The price of the Taiwanese version is NTD12,980, which is about CNY2,708.

In comparison with Hong Kong and Taiwan, the Chinese mainland version PS VR will be sold at CNY2,999; the binding price of PS VR and PS Camera is CNY3,299; and the binding price of PS VR, PS Camera, and PS Move controller is CNY3,699. The products have been opened for pre-booking.

In regards to other countries, the Japanese version is JPY44,980, which is about CNY2,859; while the American version is USD399, which is about CNY2,658.