Chinese B2C e-commerce provider formally launched its cross-border Internet shopping services, which allows Chinese users to conveniently purchase quality products from many countries and regions such as the U.S., France, U.K., and Japan.

This new platform will first offer over 150,000 kinds of products and 1,200 brands in 450 stores. Those products cover maternal and baby supplies, food and health products, personal care and cosmetics products, and apparel and shoes. emphasized that this platform will not allow sale of fake goods. Once found selling fake goods, vendors would be charged a penalty of 20 times of their turnover or USD10,000. said that the company will provide customized and personalized services to vendors who join this cross-border e-commerce platform. Vendors can autonomously select from JD's existing ports and supply chain partners. By reducing intermediate links, they can directly provide consumers with high-quality products and services.

In the logistics sector, JD will cooperate with large international third-party logistics companies to cover over 50 countries and regions around the world. In addition, JD will open three bonded zone ports in Ningbo, Hangzhou, and Guangzhou, respectively.